Posted by: simonk6 | December 2, 2009

Discussion Leader Reflection- Activerain

For my discussion leader topic I chose the networking site “activerain.” My goal was to show the class that activerain can be useful not just for real estate salespersons but for investors, first-time homebuyers, entrepreneurs, sales and marketing professionals, those who are moving and those who are interested in new technology.

A classmate who also works in real estate had never heard of this site. It felt good to be able to show someone a site that is useful and they were unaware of prior to my presentation. For all the other students who do not work in a real estate related profession I hope that they too can use the site in the future for consumer needs and that it may possibly spark interest for a career related to real estate. As I explained in my presentation, there is a lot of awesome and useful content on activerain that is all user-generated.

Activerain allows you to share ideas and helpful tips with other professionals and consumers across the world. Self-educate on this site and be prepared when you are ready to buy your first home. I hope that some of my classmates will consider activerain as a source of information.

Activerain makes it competitive for its professional users by having a point system. They also rank you with others in you city, county and state. Brian mentioned in class that the only site that he could think of similar to the point system implemented by activerain is a sports blog that ranks you with names like “elite” wtc. Overall, activerain is a unique site that I was glad to research and present. Focused around real estate, the site can provide help for everyone from 20 year veteran realtors to first-time homebuyers.

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